Shoreline Restorations
With saturated soils from heavy rainfalls and earthen springs, the MFCRWD was called to action to prevent a large mudslide from reaching Green Lake. This shoreline stabilization project is estimated to prevent 4.2 tons of soil and sediment from entering Green Lake per year.
This shoreline on Nest Lake was a bluff with a failing retaining wall on the top of the slope. The bottom of the slope was also failing due to wave action and a tile line that outlet in the middle of the bluff. The MFCRWD teamed up with the Crow River Organization of Water (CROW) and the Kandiyohi County SWCD to fund and design the project.
The result of this project is a stable shoreline. The new slope will have long term stability because of the native vegetation that was planted on the bluff. Over time the site will blend in with the neighboring properties.

The City of New London was dealing with erosion issues at Neer Park which was a result of high boat traffic and a non-native plant community. The City of New London contacted the District to assist them in solving this problem in a ecologically friendly way. The District worked with the U of M Extension and joined a research project they were working on about bio-engineering. This project has been a great success in preventing erosion and providing habitat.